IEEE JCC 2021 Call For Papers

Cloud Computing technologies have become the backbone of modern IT infrastructures. Businesses usually adopt a multi-hybrid cloud strategy to achieve optimized portfolios of cloud services provided by different vendors and avoid single vendor lock-in. Meanwhile, this strategy brings technical challenges and complexities to build, manage and operate multi-hybrid clouds. JointCloud is used to refer to but not limited to Hybrid-Cloud, Inter-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Cloud Federation, Cross-Cloud and Cloud Service Broker (CSB) etc. The IEEE JCC 2021 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas, latest research results, and practical experiences and lessons learned around JointCloud. The conference will be co-located with IEEE SOSE 2021, IEEE BigDataService 2021, IEEE MobileCloud 2021, IEEE DAPPCON 2021 and IEEE AI TEST 2021. IEEE JCC 2021 will consist of main tracks and special tracks. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be published by the IEEE CPS. Selected papers will be invited for extension and published in selected journals (SCI-Index).


Theories and Foundations of JointCloud

-    Foundational theories and technologies

-    Standards, protocols, and specifications

-    Models and algorithms

Architecture and Technologies of JointCloud

-    Architecture and platforms

-    Resource, energy and data management technologies

-    Interoperation and integration technologies

-    Development methods and tools

-    Quality evaluation and assurance technologies

-    Reliability and availability technologies

-    Open-source technologies and practices

-    Migration and transformation of workloads

Management and Operation of Joint Cloud

-    Models, algorithms, and technologies for management and operation

-    Performance, Reliability and availability technologies

-    Experiences, practices and case studies

Economics, Experiences and Practices of JointCloud

-    Economics and optimization techniques in application

-    Experiences and case studies

-    Real-world and large-scale practices


Special Track on Software Defined JointCloud

-    Methodologies and theories

-    Enabling technologies and implementations

-    Experiences, practices, and case studies

Special Track on Compliance, Security and Privacy

-    Models, algorithms, standard and protocols on compliance, security and privacy

-    Practical technologies and implementations on compliance, security and privacy

Special Track on Fog, Edge, and Mobile Edge Computing

-    Modeling, managing and monitoring services and applications in Fog, Edge, and MEC

-    Resource allocation and data management in highly heterogeneous and distributed Fog, Edge, and MEC infrastructures  


All submissions should follow the IEEE Double Column Format. Each submission of full papers can have up to 8 pages, while the submission of short, demo or industry papers is limited up to 4 pages. Short, demo or industry papers are the works that make significant contributions, but are still in progress, or works of smaller scale that can be reported briefly. If the submission is accepted for publication, up to 2 over-length pages may be purchased for the final camera-ready version. Submissions should NOT be blinded for review. The submission Web page for IEEE JCC 2021 is


All accepted and presented papers will be published by IEEE and will be indexed by EI Compendex. Selected papers will be invited for extension and published in journals (SCI-Index).


Workshop/Tutorial proposals:     Apr. 10 2021

Abstract submission(optional):     Apr. 24 2021

Full paper submission:                 May 1 2021 May 17 2021

Paper Notification:                      Jun. 20 2021 June 25 2021

Final Paper and Registration:       Jul. 15 2021

Conference:                                Aug. 23-26 2021