Important News


Instruction for participants of IEEE JCC 2021 Online

It's very exciting that our IEEE JCC 2021 and co-located conferences under IEEE CISOSE 2021 Congress will take place on August 23, 2021. We welcome you to attend them online and look forward to seeing you then! 

Below is the instruction for your participation. A. Online Platform The IEEE JCC 2021 and co-located conference under IEEE CISOSE 2021 Congress will take place online. Online platform consists of two parts: A Moodle website and Zoom rooms. — Moodle Website: It is the virtual space of the congress, which contains all information (or links to the information) required to participate in the congress. For example, the schedule of all events of the conferences can be found on the virtual space of Moodle website. It also contains the links to the Zoom rooms for the live presentations. — Zoom rooms: The conference sessions will be on the Zoom platform. In particular, each conference will have a dedicated Zoom room for the sessions of that conference. Please join the Zoom Room a few minutes earlier because the sessions will start on time. All the plenary sessions will be in a dedicated Zoom room, too. NOTE: (1) Access to Moodle Website: The access to the Moodle website will only be available to those registered to the conferences/summit/challenge. An invitation to enroll to the Moodle website has been sent to every registered participant. Please check your email spam folder if you have registered but have not received the invitation. If you have not enrolled to the Moodle website, please do it now immediately following the instruction given in the invitation email. (2) Access to Zoom rooms: Links to the Zoom Rooms can be found in many different places on this virtual space (i.e. the Moodle website) as hyperlinks where you see the "[Zoom Room]" and you can access a room via a click on the hyperlink. Joining a Zoom room through these links will not require a password and meeting IDs. B. Presentations Every speaker will present live and followed by live questions-and-answers from the audience. Each Speaker should prepare a PPT slides file and share the screen showing the slides during the presentation. NOTE: (1) Lengths of IEEE JCC 2021 Presentations including Q&A are: Short Paper: 15 minutes Regular Paper: 30 minutes
(2) About Internet Connectivity: To prevent the internet connection problem to hamper the presentations, an author can send us a link to a recorded presentation hosted externally on the internet. In the unexpected case of broken internet connection, the recorded presentation will be played. You can also send us the slides of your presentations as well. The links to the presentations and slides must be sent to Dr. Bedour Alshaigy via email by 20 August (Friday at 5pm British Summer Time (BST). Dr. Alshaigy's email address is: (3) Test the connection: The speakers are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom rooms on Day 0 (22nd August) to test the internet connection. The links to the Zoom room are now available on the virtual environment on Moodle. (4) IEEE Policy about "no-show": The congress will follow the IEEE's policy about no-shows at IEEE Sponsored conferences. In particular, if an author does not present the paper at the conference, the paper cannot be included in the proceedings in the IEEE digital library Explore. C. Sessions There are two types of sessions in the congress: Plenary sessions and Parallel sessions. — Plenary session are to be participated by all participants of all conferences/workshops, etc. There will be no other event taking place at the same time. Plenary Keynotes, Opening Session, Planning meeting, Plenary Panels, Closing Session, and Best Paper Awards are plenary sessions. — Parallel sessions are running in parallel with some other sessions/events. Participants can join any of the parallel sessions freely at any time. NOTE: (1) Session Chairs and Helpers: Each session of the congress will have a session chair and at least one student volunteer to help the running of the session. The session chair should control the running of the session, ensuring the presentations were smoothly and timely, and questions are raised and answered in an orderly way. Speakers in a session should report to the session chair and the helpers at the beginning of the session. (2) Recording of Sessions: All sessions will be recorded and the recorded presentations will be made available after the conference. The student helpers will take charge of the recording. We look forward to meeting you at IEEE JCC 2021 on next Monday!


Registration Website Available

IEEE JCC 2021 registration website is available now. At least one author per accepted paper is required to register to the conference. We also welcome other non-auhtors to register our conference.


Notification Deadline Extended to June 25th 2021

As we postponed paper submission deadline, we have to postpone the notification deadline slightly late to June 25th 2021 to give our more time for receiving last reviews and making final decisions. You will receive notification emails by the new notification deadline.


Notifications Have Been Sent Out

We have sent out all the notifications on June 25th 2021. Please check your emails and let us know if you have questions. The final camera-ready paper submission deadline is July 15th 2021. We look forward to seeing you @ JCC 2021 in August.

Full Paper Submission Dealdine Extended to May 17th 2021

Per authors' requests, we have extended the full paper submission deadline of IEEE JCC 2021 to May 17th 2021. You can continue refining your papers and submit your latest version before the new deadline. Look forward to your original research paper around JointCloud Computing, Hybrid Cloud, Hybrid Multi-Cloud and etc.


IEEE JCC 2021 CFP Published

IEEE JCC 2021 will take place online on the 23rd-26th of August 2021, co-located with IEEE SOSE 2021, IEEE MobileCloud 2021, IEEE DAPPS 2021, and IEEE AITest 2021, and will consist of a main track and special tracks. The CFP has been published and is now available at: Welcomes high-quality original research papers, industry papers, case studies and etc.

Basic Introduction to JCC

  • Cloud Computing technologies have become the backbone of modern IT infrastructures. Businesses usually adopt a multi-hybrid cloud strategy to achieve optimized portfolios of cloud services provided by different vendors and avoid single vendor lock-in. Meanwhile, this strategy brings technical challenges and complexities to build, manage and operate multi-hybrid clouds. JointCloud is used to refer to but not limited to Hybrid-Cloud, Inter-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Cloud Federation, Cross-Cloud and Cloud Service Broker (CSB) etc. The IEEE JCC 2021 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas, latest research results, and practical experiences and lessons learned around JointCloud.

    The conference will be co-located with IEEE SOSE 2021, IEEE BigDataService 2021, IEEE MobileCloud 2021, IEEE DAPPCON 2021 and IEEE AI TEST 2021. IEEE JCC 2021 will consist of main tracks and special tracks. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be published by the IEEE CPS. Selected papers will be invited for extension and published in selected journals (SCI-Index).

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