Why are we proposing a new international conference on the theme of JointCloud? The reasons are as follows:
● Cloud service providers currently exist independently in the cloud computing ecosystem, but this independence has resulted in many pain points - such as the decline of marginal benefit in single cloud service providers, and platform lock-in for cloud service users. These problems seriously restrict the healthy development of cloud industry; it is therefore imperative for new research to be performed into the abiltiy to join and work between multiple clouds.
● JointCloud computing (also referred to Hybrid-Cloud, Inter-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Cloud Federation, Cross-Cloud and Cloud Service Broker etc.) supports bilateral or multilateral collaboration among various cloud participants (such as providers, consumers, agents, regulators, etc.) at different levels of traditional cloud (such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, etc.) in a mutually beneficial manner to meet the major challenges facing the development of cloud computing.
● At present, international conferences relating to cloud computing mainly focus on intra-cloud or single cloud systems - there are few events that focus on inter-cloud or multiple clouds, and there is an urgent need to provide an international conferences to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice for JointCloud systems for both researchers and industry practitioners.
Cloud computing holds the promise of “computing as a utility”, where users can access services from everywhere in a “pay-as-you-go” fashion. Enabled by cloud computing, developers are no longer required to purchase and maintain hardware to deploy their software and services; this has rapidly changed the IT industry, and fundamentally changed the way that modern software is designed and delivered. First-generation clouds (referred to as Cloud 1.0) mainly focus on aggregating large-scale IT resources into a single cloud and providing well-managed, auto-provisioned resources and services. In Cloud 1.0, various forms of computing paradigms, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), have gained remarkable traction and utility.
However, recently new challenges have emerged in the Cloud Computing space. Firstly, globalized e-commerce has largely redefined the requirements on cloud computing; more collaboration is required between individual clouds due to service combination and location-sensitive computation. Secondly, many cloud-based businesses experiencing infrequent "bursts" of computation in their data centres - for example, events like Christmas and Black Friday usually require over 10x more resources than daily operations, creating huge infrastructural pressure on any single cloud provider. Finally, emerging big data and blockchain applications have brought great challenges to cloud computing performance and cross-provider service collaborations. In this scenario, not only performance and ease-of-use, but also trustworthiness of the services is imperative.
To address these challenges, both academia and industry have started to consider federation and collaboration between individual clouds (referred to as Cloud 2.0). The key feature of Cloud 2.0 is to eliminate the barrier among multiple clouds via joint cloud computing. For example, the concept of SuperCloud has been coined to enable cross-cloud computation migration. Intercloud Fabric has been advocated by Cisco to enable transparent communication across clouds. Internet-based virtual computing environment (iVCE) has been proposed to provide harmonious, trustworthy and transparent integrated services based on open infrastructures across multiple data centers and cloud providers. Researchers have also explored the economy of various resource prices in different clouds to save the cost by using cost-aware cross- cloud services.
JointCloud Computing
The international conference on Joint Cloud Computing aims to provision an effective pathway for researchers and practitioners to share and discuss the state of the art and new ideas in terms of joint cloud computing (aka. JointCloud). JointCloud is a new generation of computing model beyond Cloud 2.0 which facilitates developers in customizing cross-cloud services through software-defined integration and cooperation among different cloud service entities. The main objective of the conference is to:
1) investigate theories and mechanisms of cross-cloud resource abstraction, representation, and aggregation;
2) design and implement platform-level solutions and infrastructures (computation, storage and networking) to underpin joint cloud execution environments;
3) explore innovative applications that leverage emerging techniques such as deep learning and block chain to provision intelligent and reliable JointCloud services.
Compared against previous efforts in Cloud 2.0, the philosophy of JointCloud not only focuses on vertical orchestration of cloud resources but reinforces horizontal cooperation among cloud vendors in the form of service-oriented computing paradigm.
The previous edition of the conference (2009-2015) were named "Internet-based Virtual Computing Environment” (iVCE), with the name changing to "JointCloud Computing" (JCC) in 2017. Previous conferences can be found in the proceedings of the following events:
● 2019 (San Francisco East Bay, USA) in Proceeding of SOSE 2019
● 2018 (Bamburg, Germany) in Proceeding of SOSE 2018
● 2017 (Atlanta, USA), in Proceedings of ICDCSW 2017
● 2015 (San Francisco, USA), in Proceedings of SOSE 2015
● 2014 (Oxford, UK) , in Proceedings of SOSE 2014
● 2013 (San Francisco, USA), in Proceedings of SOSE 2013
● 2012 (Shenzhen, China), in Proceedings of ISORC 2012
● 2011 (Hong Kong, China), in [Proceedings of DSN 2011]
● 2010 (Shanghai, China), in Proceedings of ICPADS 2010
● 2009 (Shenzhen, China), in Proceedings of ICPADS 2009