Table of JCC Contents

Session 1: Decentralized JointCloud Applications
Session 2: Distributed Machine Learning
Session 3: Performance
Session 4: Collaborative Edge and Cloud
Session 6: Big Data and Applications
Session 5: Serverless Computing for JointCloud Computing

Table of SOSE Contents

SOSE 1: Invited Papers
SOSE 3: Evaluation and Optimization of Service Systems Attributes
SOSE 2: Cloud and Microservice Based Service Systems Engineering
SOSE 4: Applications of Service Systems Engineering

Table of BigDataServices

BDS-W1: Image processing based on deep learning
BDS-W2: Security Risk Control and Monitoring
BDS 1: Big Data Analytics I
BDS 2: Big Data Applications I
BDS 4: Deep Learning
BDS 3: Social Networks
BDS 6: Big Data Applications II
BDS 5: Big Data Analytics II
BDS 8: Applications III
BDS 7: Data Mining
BDS 9: Applications IV

Table of MobileCloud Contents

MC1: Workshop on Security and Trust in Mobile Environment
MC2: Energy-saving mobile cloud
MC 3: Crowdsourcing
MC 5: Fog/Edge architecture and management
MC 4: Cloud-centric IoT and software defined IoT 5G MEC

Table of DAPPS Contents

DAPPS 1: Blockchain Analytics
DAPPS 2 : Blockchain Frameworks
DAPPS 3: Blockchain Technologies
DAPPS 4: Blockchain Protocols & Analytics
DAPPS 6: Applications I
DAPPS 5: Applications
DAPPS 8: Privacy & Security
DAPPS 7: Applications II

Table of AITest Contents

AIT 1: Autonomous Vehicles
AIT 2: ML for Testing (I)
AIT 4: ML for Testing (II)
AIT 3: Images
AIT 5: Metamorphic Testing and Assessment
AIT 6: Data
AIT 7: Evaluation of ML algorithms